Block 6 - Bow Ties
Well, we are going to say goodbye to half square triangles for awhile and move on to a new skill. I don't know what the "real" name for this skill is, but I call it corner to corner sewing and I am presenting it as a bridge into making flying geese next month. Plus, I love bow tie blocks. They are a fun block that I think everyone should know how to make (as an added bonus, they are as easy to make as cold cereal). :)
Edited (5/15):
The Skill Builder Sampler will is available for purchase in book form! It has been renamed "You Can Quilt! Building Skills for Beginners" but covers the same skills with the easy, medium and challenging blocks and is a million times better than the
original quilt along. It is perfect for the beginning quilter or the experienced quilter who wants to branch out and learn new skills. Find more information and order a signed copy in my Etsy shop or order on Amazon
For this block you will need:
8 - white 3.5x3.5 inches squares
2 - 3.5x3.5 inch squares in 4 different colors (8 squares total)
2 - 2x2 inch squares in 4 different colors (8 squares total)
Draw a line from corner to corner on each of the 2 inch squares.
Lay the 2 inch squares on one corner of each of the white/background squares. Sew together ON the line - Not to the side.
Place the ruler 1/4 inch from the stitching line and trim away the excess corner fabric. Press open.
Lay out the white and colored blocks as shown. Sew a white and colored piece together. Pressed towards the colored fabric.
Then sew the two halves together. Take a second and measure your blocks. They should measure 6.5 inches on each side. If they are larger, trim down to size. If they are smaller than 6.5 inches make your quarter inch seams a bit smaller on the next step.
Now take some time to play with your blocks. You may want to lay them out like this...
or this...